Duties-Roles- & Responsibilities of Mamlatdar

05 Aug 2024


The word "Mamlatdar" is derived from original Arabic World MUAMLA (Mamla) means complicated matter or case and the officer who solves such matters or issues is Mamlatdar. The Mamlatdar is the Head of revenue administration consisting of average 50 or more groups of villages.

The state government appoints Mamlatdar under section-12 of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code. Mamlatdar is also an executive magistrate under section-20 of the Indian Criminal Procedure Code 1973. The Mamlatdar is a gazetted officer of the State Government. As the collector is the head of the district so Mamlatdar plays role of head of Taluka. He is responsible to Prant officer and collector and he solves problems of people by coming in direct contact of the people. 

Duties & Role of Mamlatdar

Some of the key duties of the Mamlatdar related to Land and Real Estate include;

  • Conduct revenue administration of Taluka and Act as Chief coordinator of Taluka.
  • Supervision and inspection on work of revenue personnel of Taluka.
  • Work on detailed report and proposals of revenue chapters should be sent by such manner to the superior officer that they are settle or decided without further queries.
  • Work as a custodian of land record of Taluka., preserve land records and update them from time to time.
  • Preservation of public property is his, right to property of people and settlement of revenue issues arising from them.
  • Preservation of government land and constant vigilance on it that no encroachment is made on it.
  • Recover government dues and prevention of theft of government property.
  • Recover land revenue of certain orders under provision of LRC amount due from another department.
  • Issue of new licenses and file case for violation of licenses as license officer under Essential Commodities Act and declaration of stock order 1981.
  • Action under minor acts relating to supply.
  • Supply Ration card to all persons under P.D.S.
  • Register and approve new Cable connections
  • Prepare primary proposal for video/cinema house.
  • Assess tax on all cable connection/video houses/ cinema house every year.
  • Recover entertainment tax from all respective establishments.
  • Perform inspections of of hotel/guest houses when needed.
  • Certify proofs of Income for farmer, land holders, small and marginal farmer, heirship, immovable property, character.

Key Responsibilities

The Mamlatdar reports directly to the Collector, ensuring a seamless flow of information and decision-making. The Collector provides the necessary administrative and legal guidance to the Mamlatdar, thereby ensuring uniformity and legality in actions. Importance of These Roles

  • Governance: They act as the linchpin in the governance structure.
  • Legal Sanctity: Their decisions have legal implications and can be cited in courts.
  • Public Trust: They are often the face of the government at the district level, and their actions significantly impact public trust.

The Mamlatdar is not just an administrative post but is an institution in himself, vested with significant powers and responsibilities. Understanding his/her roles is crucial for anyone engaged in land transactions or involved in legal disputes related to land revenue in Gujarat.

Information Source


Edited by: Dr. Jigar Pandya, Head Academics – SIRE