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Cookie Declaration

It has been brought to our notice that certain unscrupulous individuals/fraud entities (who are in no manner associated with us and indeed are strangers with no whereabouts) are issuing misleading advertisement & communications by offering various lottery/schemes to the general public with an intent to defraud them. Such activities are generally being done through announcement though private communications in the form of lottery/winning announcement, sweepstakes etc. to the public and individuals through emails, SMSs and/or by other mode (generally private communications), which are all part of phishing scams. Any response to such communications where personal details are being sought could result in access and misuse of your personal identity/information. In some instances they also convince and allure people to deposit cash (once and on repeated occasions) in certain specified bank(s) and/or visit links and/or provide their communication address and/or contact details to release the non-existent prizes. These individuals/entities are fraudulently and illegally misusing our company’s Trademark/Corporate name and/or Trade or brand names to lure the innocent member of the public.

It is informed and cautioned to our valued customers , patrons and also the public at large to not to act upon such fraudulent and misleading communications, which are being sent with the intent to cheat the public. Please note that DCPL is in no way associated with these entities and are not involved in any such lottery-winning announcement or any phishing activities whatsoever.

Any person who deals with such individual entity shall be doing so at her/his own risk and our company shall not be responsible and liable for any loss and/or consequences arising there from.